3D visualization beach

3D-work specification:
3D-editor | 3d max |
Renderer | mental ray |
Time expended on work | — |
Time expended on render | — |
Polygons | — |
Publication date |

Ирина Гюлай

Interior even for minimalism is very boring! The background is not very realistic, rendering is of poor quality. If this is only the first samples, then for a start is not bad, but still there is where to grow :)
Интерьер даже для минимализма очень скучен! Фон очень не реалистичен, рендер плохого качества. Если это только первые пробы, то для начала не плохо, но еще есть куда расти:)
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Tilting the camera is so conceived? Problems with the background, what's with the horizon?
Наклон камеры это так задумано? Проблемы с фоном, что с горизонтом?
Translated from ru Show original
bilal mezzari

thanks for your messages, I'm new, I'm trying to learn this complicate software

Good for a beginner. Horizon in the window should be straight. To start the camera steady. Increase the number of subdivs on materials up to 32. Increase the number of subdivs the light source 25.
bilal mezzari

ok thanks