E-onSoftware - company developing the system to create the landscape, the atmosphere and vegetation pleased 3D-graphics release of a new version of Vue in 2014.

With the development of three-dimensional graphics has several of its destinations demanded in various fields. In addition to tools animation, modeling characters and three-dimensional surfaces demand programs to create models of the natural landscape.
In a short span of time, these programs aroused the interest of many 3D-artists. Thanks to them, it became easier to generate a three-dimensional virtual worlds.
Programs produced by e-onSoftware, have become an indispensable tool for game developers who are constantly creating environment approximate real.

Most of the projects three-dimensional graphics could not compete and were abandoned. Probably, many no longer remember or RaydreamStudio Amorphium. It ceased to develop and the once popular program to create landscapes of Bryce. This editor is hardly improved because of the lack of competition. An alternative is the editor of Terragen, which is totally updated. Three-dimensional landscapes, unlike three-dimensional objects, create a lot of difficulties to programmers, since the choice of editors specialized in the rendering of small scenes. The principle of generating a 3D environment - high image detail, the surface facilities to demonstrate the unique, its hard to create a high-resolution textures.
Simulate blades of grass on the field, and every curve of the mountain impossible, so use a fractal algorithm. This algorithm simulates random Clear, surface water, and so on. N. This method is used such as a generator landscape Bryce, Terragen, MojoWorld and said contact Vue.

Vue stands out from the rest of the editors to create the environment. It is particularly attractive to developers of computer games, because E-onsoftware develops and promotes the editor.
Release Vue 2014 focused on strengthening basic features of the program - light, air and ecosystems.

A short list of some important functions:
Physically Accurate Sunlight Model and Photometric Lights
• Improved photometric lighting, sunlight simulation of the real world.
• Physical modeling the intensity of sunlight and air.
World Point Position (or XYZ) Pass
• WPP passage for storing a list of rendering components that may be used for flexibility in the composite.
• Allows you to select a variety of tools correcting colors to obtain the final image HDR.
• Improved performance on modern computer displays.
• The optimized algorithms for faster visualization EcoSystem.
• Improved compatibility with PlantFactory, which saves memory and reduces the rendering time.
• Ability to import FBX files with customized geometry, and import the camera in ASCII or FBX.
• Export and import of camera movement .FBX as well as files .CHAN for NUKE.
• Displays all the layers in a multilayer render file 32-bit OpenEXR 2.0.
Vue 2014 is available in 2 versions:
Vue Infinite - effective and perfect solution for creating animation and rendering natural 3D environments. Price $ 1,295 (Standalone app).
Vue XSTREAM - offers a complete set of tools for generating and rendering a rich and realistic natural environments in 3ds Max, Maya, LightWave, Cinema 4D and Softimage. Cost $ 1695 (delivered in the form of plug-ins to 3D package).