3D visualization The Hall Of Angels

3D-work specification:
3D-editor | 3d max |
Renderer | vray 3.0 |
Time expended on work | — |
Time expended on render | — |
Polygons | — |
Publication date |
Hey We Recently Provided A Cassic 3D Visualization For A Customer. Hope You Like It.
Softwares : 3DsMax , Vray, Ps
Spceial Thanks To Ms.Farnoush Baratlou
You Can Follow Us On Instragram : https://www.instagram.com/thestudio_4/
In my opinion a bit too blue in the frame. If this is natural light, then the moon does not shine blue. Artificial lighting in blue is not pleasing to the eye of a man in the dark. In real life blue illumination was seen only on Christmas trees in the new year, on which it is impossible to focus. But judging by the shadows it looks like it's the Moon.
На мой взгляд многовато синевы в кадре. Если это естественное освещение, то луна не светит синим. Искуственная подсветка синим цветом не приятна глазу человека в темноте. В реале синюю подсветку видел только на ёлочках в новый год, на которых невозможно сфокусироваться. Но судя по теням похоже что это Луна.
Thanks for your comment. first of all, it's obviously the moonlight. and about the other parts of your comments, there is no focus but only the fog, that's what make it possible. it's compeletly possible but it's rare. you should have dense moonlight and also dense fog as you can see similar real lighting conditions in 500px. but there is a point ; as a 3d artist if we produce just ordinary photography situations then what's the point of rendering and being a 3d artist?? we have more available tools than a photographer and in my opinion, it's our duty to use them and that's what makes 3d rendering an "Art", and that's what make us different from a photographer. thanks for your comment.
kakoraz like simulating the order. obbbbozhayu such projects Respect Hall of angels ... just super!
какраз подобие такое моделирую по заказу. обббббожаю такие проекты респект зал ангелов... просто супер!