3D visualization Room for girls

3D-work specification:
3D-editor | 3d max |
Renderer | vray 3.0 |
Time expended on work | — |
Time expended on render | — |
Polygons | — |
Publication date |
Work for a portfolio, based on 2 girls of preschool age and a baby ... Furniture is designed according to drawings There is a separate model of furniture, when handling, I will send to anyone who wants it ..
ATP Sharipov is practical advice, I will try to correct mistakes ...
Спс Шарипов советы дельные, попробую исправит ь ошибки ...
The light you have is not natural, there are no shadows at all. Ambient debris only creates shallow shadows near the joints. And the main shadows you too lit up, so you can not see the volume. Perspective is also not very.
Свет у тебя не естественный, теней вообще нету. Амбиент оклюжн только создает мелкие тени вблизи стыков. А главные тени ты слишком засветил, так не видно объема. Ракурс тоже не очень.