3D visualization cup and saucer

3D-work specification:
3D-editor | 3d max |
Renderer | vray 1.5 |
Time expended on work | — |
Time expended on render | — |
Polygons | — |
Publication date |
tea pair. I bought it for a gift and so it sunk into my soul that I sat down at the computer and modeled it, then I scan and draw the textures. It was in 2009.
And I liked it because of its naturalness ... It looks like in life, without "improvements", it is warm and tasty ...
А мне понравилось именно за натуральность...Выглядит как в жизни, без "улучшений" , тепло и вкусно...
Yes, yes, I agree with the posts above. It was done at the dawn of a career 10 years ago. Maybe there will be a remake ...
Да, да, согласен с постами выше. Делалось на заре карьеры 10 лет назад. Может и будет ремейк...
The saucer merges with a tablecloth and does not stand out. Pale lighting should be for more contrast. And the white balance must be adjusted.
Блюдце сливается скатертью, и не выделяется. Освещение бледное надо бы по больше контраста. И баланс белого надо настроить.
I agree with this opinion. The picture suggests cheerfulness, and here it is faded. You can beat much more interesting.
Соглашусь с этим мнением.Картинка напрашивается на жизнерадостность,а тут блекловатая она.Можно обыграть гораздо интереснее.