3D-візуалізація Ferrari Spider

Специфікація 3D-роботи:
3D-редактор | Maya |
Рендер | corona render |
Час, витрачений на роботу | 2 недели |
Час, витрачений на рендер | 3 часа |
Полігонів | 285 933 |
Дата публікації |
Ferrari Spider Super car ** Ferrari spider ** super car, Ferrari Spider 3D model created and tuning for games and animation one car model and three types of PBR textures Golden Ferrari spider (wheel texture) red crushing Ferrari spider neon Ferrari spider (wheel neon texture) has formats \ має формати 3DsMax2020 3DsMax2019 3DsMax2018 3DsMax2017 MAYA2018 Cinema4D Blender OBJ Fbx PBR Textures Textures Albedo Emission Gloss Metalness Normal AO the model was created using Zbrush Maya 3D Coat UVLayout V2 PRO Marmoset Toolbag 3 Adobe Photoshop video rendering and animation was carried out in the following programs Marmoset Toolbag 3 Adobe Premier Pro we also accept orders and guarantee the quality of the cars created by us for you, positive comments are welcome!)
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