3D-модель 3D модель кам'яної криниці

Розміщення: | Надворі |
Стиль: | Античний, Вінтаж, Готика, Ренесанс, Рококо, Романський |
This is a high definition quality polygon of a Stone well 3d model with PBR and V-Ray textures. Extremely detailed and realistic. Suitable for movie prop, architectural visualizations, advertising renders and other. The 3ds Max file includes cameras, lights and render settings. This is a high quality asset originally modeled in 3DS Max 2018. Material counts: 19 The number of materials corresponds to the number of model elements. In archive are included all separate files obj (see the folder "objs") You do not have to do anything, just press the 'Render' button. -Model unwrapped manually to make most efficient use of the Unfold3d -Including FBX, OBJ, 3ds formats -The model has real-world scale and is centered at the origin - Units used: centimetres - Mesh object is editable poly. - Clean Unwrap UV - Good topology - Scene in Marmoset are included. RENDER SCENE IS INCLUDED in 3DS MAX 2018 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ As this is a model for visualization specifications, it is not intended for subdivision. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TEXTURES PBR: - There are 6 textures: -Base color -Normal Map -Height Map -Metallic Map -Ambient Occlusion -Roughness Map V-RAY: - Diffuse - Glossiness - Height - IOR - Normal - Reflection - Texture Resolutions are 2048x2048 JPEG format - Turntable and images were rendered in Marmoset 3 Also included renders in V-RAY 3.6 Please RATE this product if you are satisfied. Also check out my other models.
3d-моделі з категорії Вулиця:
Щиро дякую Вам за такий приємну оцінку моєї роботи. Я ще не чарівник, а тільки вчуся.
Искренне благодарю Вас за столь лестную оценку моей работы. Я ещё не волшебник, а только учусь.
відмінна робота і коштує не менше 50 + баксів! для ігор і анімації саме то !!!
отличная работа и стоит не меньше 50+ баксов! для игр и анимации самое то!!!