3D-визуализация Helicopter SA340 Gazelle

Спецификация 3D-работы:
3D-редактор | 3d max |
Рендер | vray 5.0 |
Время, затраченное на работу | — |
Время, затраченное на рендер | — |
Полигонов | 554 459 |
Дата публикации |
3ds Max 2022 / 2020 / fbx / obj / Marmoset Toolbag 3.08 / V-Ray 5.2.2 / Polygons 554465 / Vertices 567050
The Aérospatiale Gazelle (company designations SA 340, SA 341 and SA 342) is a French five-seat helicopter, commonly used for light transport, scouting and light attack duties. It is powered by a single Turbomeca Astazou turbine engine and was the first helicopter to feature a fenestron tail instead of a conventional tail rotor.
