3D-Model Icy Asteroid

Model for: | Design |
Icy Asteroid 3D model
A sculpted 3d model of an icy asteroid
The model was created and sculpted in ZBrush, then re-meshed to a lower poly, and edited in 3ds Max 2017.
Textures are included in .max file as you can see on the preview pictures. Zbrush sculpted tool also included.
Wireframe pictures included in preview pictures section.
Model formats:
The model comes with the texture you can see in the preview section, although it may give different results if you render it outside of 3ds Max's Vray.
Thus I included all maps, so you can create your own texture or experiment.
These include:
Ambient Occlusion map
Color Texture map
Convexity map
Height / Bump map
Thickness map
Translucency map
Wireframe map
All maps are in 4096x4096 (4k) resolution, in png format.
Materials inside 3ds max are custom made FastSSS2 Vray materials.
The model is centered at x.0 y.0 z.0 and is in real life scale.
3D-Models from category Other models: