3D-Model Hotel Ukraine Moscow

Model for: | Design, Games, 3d printing |
The hotel "Ukraine" (the modern official name - the Radisson Royal Hotel, Moscow) is a five-star hotel (located in the center of Moscow, in one of the "Stalin skyscrapers" on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, 2/1). The central volume of the building includes 34 floors; a total area of more than 88 thousand m², a height of 206 m, including a 73-meter spire. The format of the model: - .sldprt, .stl, .igs, .step, .jpeq
3D-Models from category Houses, cottages:
Number: 25882
Sizes (W×D×H), mm | — |
Polygons | — |
Vertices | — |
High Poly | No |
Textures | No |
Animated | No |
3D-Printer Ready | Yes |
Available formats:
SolidWorks (.stl) |
Materials settings
Other |
Archive extension:
As such, there were no drawings. The height of the building was taken and the rest from photographs, sketches in proportions lined up. And so all 7 buildings of Stalin skyscrapers.
Как таковых чертежей не было. Бралась высота здания и остальное по фотографиям, эскизам в пропорциях выстраивалось. И так все 7 зданий сталинских высоток.
Great work! Let me ask you where you took the drawings. It would be nice for me to get similar drawings of buildings on VDNKh
Отличная работа! Разрешите поинтересоваться, где вы взяли чертежи. Мне бы было неплохо получить подобные чертежи построек на ВДНХ