3D-Model Grohe baucurve

Mixer kit (3 in 1) Grohe BauCurve 122251 Grohe baucurve 122251 mixer set BauCurve 27853000 New Tempesta 100 Shower set with 1 mode of the jet includes: Hand shower (27 852 000) shower rail, 600 mm (27 523 000) Relexaflex shower hose 1750 mm 1/2 "x 1/2" (28 154 000) GROHE DreamSpray ® superior water flow GROHE starlight ® chrome-plated surface with SpeedClean system against lime deposits Internal cooling channel for long service life shockproof silicone ring that prevents surface damage when the hand shower falls can be used with a running water heater minimum pressure 1.0 bar https://santehmoll.ru/product/122251_nabor_grohe_baucurve_3_v_1/
3D-Models from category Faucets:
