3D visualization Rustic Tea Party

3D-work specification:
3D-editor | 3d max |
Renderer | corona render |
Time expended on work | — |
Time expended on render | — |
Polygons | — |
Publication date |
I was inspired by one picture, accidentally seen on the Internet. I always wanted to try to make something so warm and cozy, and it seemed like a good idea. Everything was going like clockwork, until it reached the creamer, which stubbornly did not want to succeed, but after a couple of hours and a bunch of options with all sorts of shapes and curves, finally a more or less satisfying result came out. The kerosene and samovar were taken ready, yet the rest is done with 0 standard means. Used by 3d's Max and Photoshop for post-processing.
Buddy! Of course, the background behind the window and the hefty homogeneous structure of sandwiches on a plate are not enough, but the atmosphere is nevertheless audible, visible and sensual in the two-dimensional.
Dare, the beginning is very even nothing!
Дружище! Конечно не хватает фона за окном и дюже однородная структура бутербродов на тарелке, но атмосфера тем не менее слышна, видна и чувственна в двумерке.
Дерзай, начало очень даже ничего!
With the background, yes, there came out a house in a deserted snow field. But with sandwiches, I was digging for a long time, but nothing came of it sensibly, that I didn’t look like a piece of clay. And if the texture stretch, then how craters on the moon already)
Thanks for the feedback, at least I know that in general I went in the right direction)
С фоном да, вышел какой-то домик в пустынном снежном поле. А вот с бутербродами я копался долго, но так ничего и не вышло толкового, что не делал - как кусок пластилина выглядят. А если текстуру растягивать, то как кратеры на луне уже)
Спасибо за отзыв, хотя бы знаю, что в общем в верном направлении пошёл)