3D visualization Landscaping of the territory "Deauville"

3D-work specification:
3D-editor | 3d max |
Renderer | corona render |
Time expended on work | — |
Time expended on render | — |
Polygons | — |
Publication date |
Please tell me which picture is better. The customer wants an arbor with stucco molding and with a small statue at the top. I accept criticism. Thank you in advance) Write to the comments)
Each version has its own original style. And everyone is not better, not worse than another. The arbor with the increased mezzanine is peculiar for Asia, East Asia. The dome is Europe. And like a rotunda, and not a classic rotunda, at the same time. There is no room for criticism, because this is a co-offer to the customer. According to experience, the customer is not interested in professional artistic processing of the picture. For them, the effectiveness of the proposed construction, landscape, interior, exterior is important. IMHO. PS. The work is good.
У каждого варианта свой оригинальный стиль. И каждый не лучше, не хуже другого. Беседка с увеличенным мезонином свойственна для Азии, восточной Азии. Купол - Европа. И вроде ротонда, и не классическая ротонда, одновременно. Для критики нет места, т.к. это коцептуальные предложения заказчику. По опыту скажу, заказчика не интересует профессиональная художественная обработка картинки. Для них значение имеет эффектность предлагаемой коннструкции, ландшафта, интерьера, экстерьера. Имхо. PS. Работы хорошие.