3D visualization Kitchen in the country house

3D-work specification:
3D-editor | 3d max |
Renderer | vray 3.0 |
Time expended on work | — |
Time expended on render | — |
Polygons | — |
Publication date |
The kitchen in the country house, with my living room.
Living room laid out over a year ago, and the kitchen somehow never got around to it, and now have decided-let it be)
There is some. I even do not know why. Maybe because of the restrained color scheme (a lot of white), and the white balance in the vray-camera was set by default, could also affect. Recently, I began to exhibit R-245, G-252, B-255 in almost all scenes. Renders have become much more "transparent". In any case, thanks for the comment).
Есть немного. Даже не знаю, почему. Может из-за сдержанной цветовой гаммы (белого много), да и баланс белого в vray-камере по умолчанию выставлен был, тоже могло повлиять. С недавних пор стал выставлять R-245, G-252, B-255 практически во всех сценах. Рендеры стали гораздо "прозрачнее". В любом случае, спасибо за коментарий).
In my opinion a little blind.
На мой взгляд немного слеповато.