3D visualization Kitchen-dining room.

3D-work specification:
3D-editor | 3d max |
Renderer | corona render |
Time expended on work | — |
Time expended on render | 4 дня |
Polygons | 13 000 000 |
Publication date |
And here is the second version of the kitchen. A little work was delayed, because Customers for a long time could not decide on the chandeliers. I added a couple of new angles. Constructive criticism is welcome!
This is the second version of the kitchen that this option Date of publication 2017.07.26 )?
Это второй вариант той кухни что этот вариант Дата публикации 2017.07.26)?
Yes that's right))
Да, всё верно))
Very good!
Очень здорово!
It's great
Thank you all very much for positive feedback!))) It's very motivating to do your job even better!
Спасибо всем большое за позитивные отзывы!))) Это очень мотивирует делать свою работу ещё лучше!
Prostoi, Krasivi i priatni render ...
It's great
Great work!
Отличная работа!