3D visualization Grass

3D-work specification:
3D-editor | 3d max |
Renderer | corona render |
Time expended on work | — |
Time expended on render | — |
Polygons | — |
Publication date |
Once there was a girl. She went for a walk and was kidnapped by the visitors from other planets who made of her the car for anything. She is able to do all that is necessary and not necessary.
It turns out in the future will install a woman soldiers big guns!
получается в будущем установят женщина солдатам большие пушки!
What do you smoke?)))))))))
Что Вы курите?)))))))))
Here unfortunately did not smoke and did not drink! Ambush! I forgot to stop at the right time. I liked that it was possible to make a breast like this, about which I dreamed. I confess ashamed, but alas, such a la-va ... Thanks!
Вот к сожалению не курил и не пил! Засада! Забыл остановиться в нужный момент. Понравилось, что грудь можно было сделать такую, о которой мечтал. Сознаюсь стыдно, но увы такая се-ля-ви...Спасибо!