3D visualization "Favorite"

3D-work specification:
3D-editor | 3d max |
Renderer | Other |
Time expended on work | 45 days |
Time expended on render | realtime |
Polygons | — |
Publication date |
The goal is to show the apartment complex located at the first stage of construction, almost wild and not developed by forest, in the final stage, after completion of the construction of all queues. Convey to potential buyers complete the neighborhood, on the basis of engineering project and approved urban plan
Beauty, it is impressive, you can immediately see that the master of his craft.
Красота, впечатляет, сразу видно что мастер своего дела.
Thank you very much, but I still study and study so much. It's unlikely that they will ever become.
Спасибо большое, но до мастера мне еще столько учится и учится.Что навряд ли вообще получится им стать.
Wow, how much you've worked. Just out of curiosity, what kind of iron do you have?
Ого, как много Вы проработали. Просто из любопытства, а что за железо у Вас?
I5 3570K 16GB, nothing supernatural. )
i5 3570K 16GB, ничего сверхестесственного. )
Impressive! I would like to add people.
Впечатляет! Ещё бы людей добавить.
Excellent! The amount of work done is impressive!
Отлично! Объем проделанной работы впечатляет!