3D visualization Eclectic style bedroom

3D-work specification:
3D-editor | 3d max |
Renderer | corona render |
Time expended on work | 1 день |
Time expended on render | 5 часов |
Polygons | 6 097 068 |
Publication date |
Modern bright bedroom with lots of mirrors. The storage area is separated by a decorative partition from sleep.
In the Interior there is the modern type of bed, modern floor lamp, chandelier, classical moldings.
The Interior is created for self-study.
Interior style-Eclectic.
When modeling the rooms are having problems with the creation of the carpet and long render.
Would like to see more realism, as well as hear about the quality of the work done by me, it is possible to get advice from other users.
A carpet in a blue is made simply - in the settings of the material, a bias is made (a simple parameter of the material),i.e. Material is obtained procedural)))
А ковролин в синьке делается просто - внастройках материала делается смещение (простой параметр материала), т.е. материал получается процедурным)))
By max, of course, there is little to suggest, but there is a lot of noise ... In blue, it happens if you overdo with the occlusion of the environment.
По максу конечно мало что подсказать могу, но шума многовато... В синьке так бывает, если переборщить с окклюзией окружения.
All the buzz from the idea killed a terrible noise. Did they make carpeting? Reduce the brightness of the sun and add its size. In light interiors it is highly recommended to use CoronaAO map in post-processing. And I would still be spoiled with a white balance. Well, it's in my opinion, since the Soviets were asked)))
Весь кайф от идеи убил жуткий шум. Ковролин дисплейсом делали? Убавить яркость солнца и добавить его размера. В светлых интерьерах очень рекомендуется использовать, в пост обработке, карту CoronaAO. И я бы ещё поколдовал с балансом белого. Ну это на мой взгляд, раз уж советов просили)))
Thanks for the comment! Carpet made with the help of Hair and fur - the first experience, the scene was very difficult because of him. Thanks for the advice, I will try to apply them in the future!
Спасибо за комментарий! Ковролин делала с помощью Hair and fur - первый опыт, сцена получилась очень тяжелая из-за него. Спасибо за советы, буду пробовать применять их в дальнейшем!