3D visualization Dining-room

3D-work specification:
3D-editor | 3d max |
Renderer | vray |
Time expended on work | — |
Time expended on render | 3 |
Polygons | — |
Publication date |


Afarin square ba arzesh and khubi shode Movafagh bashi
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Mer30. Shoma lotf darin.
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A good, normal stone. I would really squeeze more bump for persuasiveness. The flower is not reflected on the wall, rather the proximity of the flower to the wall creates stiff shadows from the light. Curtains - cardboard. Floor, laying, furniture, everything is ok. Back - shit =). It seems that the house will now collapse. And a foreshortening - it would be necessary to make correction of verticals. Good stone. Probably better to increase bump for credibility. Flower is not reflected on the wall, most of all it is the flower. Curtains - something like a cardboard. Floor, tableware, furniture, everything is OK. But background are bullshit =), because It seems that the house is now collapsing, going down. And the view - you should switch the camera correction modifier to avoid vertical distortion.
Хороший, нормальный камень. Я бы правда больше выдавил бампом для убедительности. Цветок не отражается на стене, скорее близость цветка к стене создает жесткие тени от света. Шторы - картонные. Пол, сервировка, мебель, все ок. Бэк - дерьмо =). Кажется что дом сейчас завалится. И ракурс - следовало бы сделать коррекцию вертикалей. Good stone. Probably better to increase bump for credibility. Flower is not reflected on the wall, most of all it is the flower proximity to the wall creates harsh shadows from the light. Curtains - something like a cardboard. Floor, tableware, furniture, everything is OK. But background are bullshit =), because It seems that the house is now collapsing, going down. And the view - you should switch camera correction modifier to avoid vertical distortion.
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Yes master. There are many errors Camera and wallpaper flower and reflection on the wall, etc. thanks for the comment
Да хозяин.
Есть много ошибок
Камера и обои цветок и отражение на стене и т.д.
спасибо за комментарий
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I do not know, for some reason I do not look like a stone, more like a soft, convex wallpaper.
не знаю,мне почему-то на камень не похоже,больше похоже на мягкие выпуклые обои.
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Yeah right. There is, of course, the best way to swing. (And type and location) But the client insisted on this plan. thanks for the comment
Да право.
Существует, безусловно, лучший способ, чтобы качаться. (И тип и расположение)
Но клиент настаивал на этом плане.
Спасибо за комментарий
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The wall is like a matte, but strongly reflects the plant.
Стена вроде матовая, но сильно отражает растение.
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Yes you are right. Our focus is on the stone wall for the client. Thanks for the comment.
Да, вы правы.
Наше внимание сосредоточено на стене каменные для клиента.
Спасибо за комментарий.
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