3D visualization Children's room for a teenager

3D-work specification:
3D-editor | 3d max |
Renderer | corona render |
Time expended on work | пару дней |
Time expended on render | около 4-5 часов |
Polygons | -- |
Publication date |
Children's room for almost adult boy .. 16 years)
Project team: Nichik Maxim_Nichik Maxim.
At the beginning the children's room was created as a request of parents and turned out like this: http://3dlancer.net/ru/gallery/detskaya-3279
But the young man reminded us of his age and asked to do more adult youth room.
In general this is what eventually happened)))
Enjoy watching!!!
And for me, the first option seemed more interesting. And this option, in my opinion, would be more suitable for a 20-year-old boy. Although the boy-teenager knows better, probably.
А мне что-то первый вариант показался более интересным. А этот вариант, по-моему, больше подошел бы 20-летнему парню. Хотя мальчику-подростку виднее, наверное.
I looked through the links as it was and how it became, I will say that restyling was quite serious, for a teenage boy this bedroom is really better, in my opinion.
P.S Flower giant))
Просмотрел по ссылки как было и как стало, скажу что рестайлинг пройзошел довольно таки серьезный, для парня подростка такая спальня действительно лучше, на мой взгляд.
P.S Цветок гигант))