3D visualization 2-storey cottage

3D-work specification:
3D-editor | 3d max |
Renderer | vray 3.0 |
Time expended on work | 3 дня. |
Time expended on render | 30 мин. |
Polygons | 1 260 309 |
Publication date |
Can not qualitatively, but so far that's just happened. You can say for the first time. In what style the cottage even inexperience, just flipping through for a long time and found the picture did something like that with the introduction of its Add-ons.
Yet while I do not understand much, which style does it belong to?
Еще пока сильно не разбираюсь, к какому стилю относится?
Where did you find such clouds as in the last picture?
Где такие облака нашел как на последней картинке?
Google to help, then a little in Photoshop, so that they do not show up for authorship. I can throw it on the post office.
Гугл в помощь, потом немного в фотошопе, чтобы не предьявили за авторство. Могу скинуть на почту.
Throw if it's not hard, interesting clouds. Svara_2006@mail.ru
Скинь если нетрудно, интересные облака . Svara_2006@mail.ru
I sent it by mail, catch it.
Отправил почтой, лови.
Thank you.