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Bronze sculpture Winged victory of samothrace
Marble Sculpture Arethuse
Bronze sculpture Diana the huntress
Marble sculpture Gladiateur Borghese
Bronze sculpture Aphrodite au pilier (1)
Porcelain sculpture Athena Pallas de Velletri
Bronze sculpture of bust of Corine girl
Marble sculpture composition Enee and Anchise
Marble sculpture Veiled Woman
Marble sculpture Eurydice dying
Bronze sculpture Hercules fighting Bachelors in serpent form
Marble sculpture Bather also called Venus
Marble Sculpture Aphrodite Head
Marble sculpture Homer
Bronze sculpture Lion and serpent
Marble torso Diadumenos Torso (fragment)
Marble Sculpture Aristee God of Gardens
Bronze sculpture Mercury raising Psyche
Marble bust of Bust of Apollo Belvedere
Bronze sculpture of three graces guarding the bowl with the heart of Henry II Dominique florentin
Marble sculpture Venus d'Arles
Marble sculpture Venus de Milo
Porcelain sculpture Vestale
Marble sculpture The Three Graces (3)
Marble sculpture Octavianus Augustus
Marble sculpture Cupid cutting his bow from the club of Hercules
Marble sculpture Arria and Paetus
Marble sculpture Apollo defeating the Python
Marble sculpture Psyche Abandoned
Marble Sculpture Head of a Ram
Bronze sculpture The rape of the sabine women
Marble sculpture of the head of the Roman emperor Head of Augustus
Bronze Sculpture The Wrestlers
Marble sculpture Head of Venus de Milo
Marble bust Head of Laocoon
Marble sculpture Boree enlevant Orithye
Marble sculpture Bust of Zeus
Marble sculpture Muse of Tragedy
Bronze sculpture Aphrodite au pilier (2)
Marble sculpture Meleager killing a deer
Marble sculpture The Three Graces (1)
Marble sculpture Nisus and Euryalus
Porcelain bust of Minerva
Bronze sculpture Dirceu
Marble sculpture The Three Graces (2)
Marble sculpture Venus teaching cupid to use his bow
Bronze sculpture Genius of hunt
Marble statue of Discophore