3D visualization CUISINE LIVING ROOM

3D-work specification:
3D-editor | Blender |
Renderer | cycles render |
Time expended on work | — |
Time expended on render | — |
Polygons | — |
Publication date |
The design of the kitchen, everything as usual has changed nothing, all the same movement of the hand and the brain and the result, rendered all day))))
A bottle would have to be left ... :))
А бутылочку нужно было бы оставить... :))
))))) is good, this is the end of the holiday, everyone went to sleep
)))))хорош, это уже конец праздника, все пошли спать
Well, yeah ... Snacks - the sea (you see, they did not even start yet-no cigarette butts, no skins on the couch, no broken dishes), and there are no more bottles :( It is evident that some of the guests took it (he shook his hands with it .. .)
Та ну да... Закуски вон - море (видно ещё и не начинали - ни тебе окурков, ни шкурок на диване, ни битой посуды), а бутылочки уже нет :( Видно кто то из гостей прихватил (шоб ему руки поотсыхали...)