To get the best possible photo-realistic image, it is necessary to know how to adjust lighting, the basics of which are based on the following principles.

The law of conservation of energy. This principle says that any reflection value can not be greater than at the beginning. That is, when fighting off an object of a certain amount of energy absorbed by them and naturally becomes dimmer. Hence the conclusion - never reflect more light than rejected. With regard to the effect of this law on the brightness setting, it should be within a radius of 20-80%, not 0% and 100%. A light intensity of about 80%, and 100% can not be placed because beating one hundred percent absorption material or does not happen.

Sometimes direct and indirect light. Immediately it should be said that direct light is not found in nature, as its main feature is that it is completely absorbed by the object. So looks unrealistic, cartoon-like image. Speaking of indirect light, it is necessary to consider several concepts: obratnokvadratichnoe light attenuation and light perspective. The meaning of the first is that the distance increases in 2 times - light fades in 4 times. Therefore, for the sun, stars and moon used obratnokvadratichnoe attenuation does not make sense because of the large size and great distance. It is also very important to consider the correct size of the scene, because it was from him, and the brightness of the source depends obratnokvadratichnoe attenuation. And the value of the prospects is light - the farther the light source, the light uniformity of it. Yet there is such a thing as obratnokvadratichnoe attenuation of the reflected light. Its meaning is that when changing the size of the light source changes its display area, but the brightness.
If you have a mirrored object that you want to highlight, you can take advantage of the law, which states that the angle of incidence equals the angle of the display. For example, the editor 3ds Max has a special alignment tool flare, which will help you cope with this task. Particular attention should be paid to the dispersion of light, as it gives credence to the image.

The law of conservation of energy. This principle says that any reflection value can not be greater than at the beginning. That is, when fighting off an object of a certain amount of energy absorbed by them and naturally becomes dimmer. Hence the conclusion - never reflect more light than rejected. With regard to the effect of this law on the brightness setting, it should be within a radius of 20-80%, not 0% and 100%. A light intensity of about 80%, and 100% can not be placed because beating one hundred percent absorption material or does not happen.

Sometimes direct and indirect light. Immediately it should be said that direct light is not found in nature, as its main feature is that it is completely absorbed by the object. So looks unrealistic, cartoon-like image. Speaking of indirect light, it is necessary to consider several concepts: obratnokvadratichnoe light attenuation and light perspective. The meaning of the first is that the distance increases in 2 times - light fades in 4 times. Therefore, for the sun, stars and moon used obratnokvadratichnoe attenuation does not make sense because of the large size and great distance. It is also very important to consider the correct size of the scene, because it was from him, and the brightness of the source depends obratnokvadratichnoe attenuation. And the value of the prospects is light - the farther the light source, the light uniformity of it. Yet there is such a thing as obratnokvadratichnoe attenuation of the reflected light. Its meaning is that when changing the size of the light source changes its display area, but the brightness.
If you have a mirrored object that you want to highlight, you can take advantage of the law, which states that the angle of incidence equals the angle of the display. For example, the editor 3ds Max has a special alignment tool flare, which will help you cope with this task. Particular attention should be paid to the dispersion of light, as it gives credence to the image.