The formation of the French style is much wagged fashion and cultural values ??of France in the 18th century. A kind of cult of wealth and luxury, which originated among the French aristocracy, while the display not only the clothes, but the manners and interior elements. The main features of the classic French style in the interior are the luxury, sophistication, elegance and romance, so the main task is to create such an interior - to pass all these features in a room and create a romantic atmosphere of France.
The modern interpretation of French style more restraint and simplicity rather than in the classical presentation but still the atmosphere of prosperity and wealth. Such an atmosphere is created thanks to the correct layout of the room and reproduced in the interior of the characteristics inherent in the French style.

Requirements for premises to create a French-style
The main requirement for the realization of this style is to create a space in the room. Planning thus can any Bat, but preference is given to direct, traditional forms. If it is flat, then it is necessary to share the kitchen and living room, a studio in this style are not welcome. It is important to ensure good lighting, so the windows do more, in some cases even from the floor.
Ceilings - preferably high, it will give more room. Often the ceiling is covered with plaster and decorated with stucco elements made of polyurethane. The surface of the ceiling painted in peaceful pastels.
For walls, use two main types of finish: smooth and textured. It involves the use of textured wallpaper with a subtle pattern, texture, or embossing. For this design perfect vinyl, textile and Flok wallpaper, you can also use Venetian plaster or liquid wallpaper. To create a smooth finish walls are painted pastel colors. If you want to prozonirovat room used screens or partitions.
There is also a requirement for their floors. The floor is covered with parquet or glossy tiles. For the flooring is best to use a light amber color.
Color spectrum
To highlight the refinement of French style to use soft, light colors, and smooth transitions. The main colors are white, pale pink, pale lilac, beige, light gray. This allowed the use of dark colors, but they need to move seamlessly from light to dark and not to be contrasting.

Main characteristics of the French interior:
- The presence of floral patterns combined with stripes;
- Matte painting of interior elements;
- Covering of upholstery in the same key;
- Furniture with elements of forging, molding or carving;
- The decor furniture and accessories using various techniques aging: patina, crackles, peeling paint;
- Preference natural materials;
Accessories and furniture for the French Interior
This style allows the use of restored furniture and decorated with antique. Sofas and chairs should be low and Razlog with lots of pillows, shelves and shelves - open or glazed. The walls are often decorated with tapestries, paintings and decorative inscriptions on the Frenchman. You can also use the oval mirror in thin light frames. On the windows hang curtains of organza. Welcomes the availability of screens.
On the shelves is often porcelain or crystal vases and figurines. Bedside tables and decorated with crocheted lace napkins. The floor can be covered by a carpet or more rugs.

Creating a French interior, we must remember that the image of the room should look elegant and at the same time rich. To avoid unnecessary pretentiousness is better not to use a lot of accessories and decorative elements. The interior should be kept and at the same time luxurious.
The modern interpretation of French style more restraint and simplicity rather than in the classical presentation but still the atmosphere of prosperity and wealth. Such an atmosphere is created thanks to the correct layout of the room and reproduced in the interior of the characteristics inherent in the French style.

Requirements for premises to create a French-style
The main requirement for the realization of this style is to create a space in the room. Planning thus can any Bat, but preference is given to direct, traditional forms. If it is flat, then it is necessary to share the kitchen and living room, a studio in this style are not welcome. It is important to ensure good lighting, so the windows do more, in some cases even from the floor.
Ceilings - preferably high, it will give more room. Often the ceiling is covered with plaster and decorated with stucco elements made of polyurethane. The surface of the ceiling painted in peaceful pastels.
For walls, use two main types of finish: smooth and textured. It involves the use of textured wallpaper with a subtle pattern, texture, or embossing. For this design perfect vinyl, textile and Flok wallpaper, you can also use Venetian plaster or liquid wallpaper. To create a smooth finish walls are painted pastel colors. If you want to prozonirovat room used screens or partitions.
There is also a requirement for their floors. The floor is covered with parquet or glossy tiles. For the flooring is best to use a light amber color.
Color spectrum
To highlight the refinement of French style to use soft, light colors, and smooth transitions. The main colors are white, pale pink, pale lilac, beige, light gray. This allowed the use of dark colors, but they need to move seamlessly from light to dark and not to be contrasting.

Main characteristics of the French interior:
- The presence of floral patterns combined with stripes;
- Matte painting of interior elements;
- Covering of upholstery in the same key;
- Furniture with elements of forging, molding or carving;
- The decor furniture and accessories using various techniques aging: patina, crackles, peeling paint;
- Preference natural materials;

Accessories and furniture for the French Interior
This style allows the use of restored furniture and decorated with antique. Sofas and chairs should be low and Razlog with lots of pillows, shelves and shelves - open or glazed. The walls are often decorated with tapestries, paintings and decorative inscriptions on the Frenchman. You can also use the oval mirror in thin light frames. On the windows hang curtains of organza. Welcomes the availability of screens.
On the shelves is often porcelain or crystal vases and figurines. Bedside tables and decorated with crocheted lace napkins. The floor can be covered by a carpet or more rugs.

Creating a French interior, we must remember that the image of the room should look elegant and at the same time rich. To avoid unnecessary pretentiousness is better not to use a lot of accessories and decorative elements. The interior should be kept and at the same time luxurious.
Definitivamente he quiero encarnar este estilo en su alojamiento, así que por ahora se centra en una variedad de accesorios. Aquí prismorela actualmente en diferentes lámparas en el dormitorio - que son excelentes en el interior.
Я вот обязательно хочу воплотить этот стиль в своем жилье, поэтому пока фокусируюсь на разнообразных аксессуарах. Вот присморела себе на отличные торшеры в спальню - они отлично в интерьер.
Estilo de línea implica elaborado, monograma, chapado en oro y textiles de alta calidad. En principio, la versión clásica, por lo que muchos como él mucho ...
Стиль предполагает вычурные линии, вензеля, золотое напыление и качественный текстиль. В принципе, классический вариант, поэтому многим он очень нравится...
Este estilo es perfecto para naturalezas románticas. Muchas formas, colores, hay algo para trabajar
Этот стиль замечательно подходит для романтичных натур. Много форм, цвета, есть с чем поработать