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Pump track $2.00 3D-Model Pump track
A pump track is a special bicycle route that consists of alternating holes and bumps. and counter-slopes and not containing flat areas
3D-editor: 3d max
Materials: Corona render 8
Formats: .max(2016), .fbx
http10 http10 Russia
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8 March 22:14
Блендерулит Russia Блендерулит

Thank you Anton for the model of the house!) I plan to use it in my educational video on YouTube and RuTube. (@opensourcevfx) I will definitely tell about your professionalism!:) All the best!

Благодарю Вас Антон за модельку дома!) Планирую использовать её в своем обучающем виде на ютуб и рутуб. (@opensourcevfx)Обязательно скажу про Ваш профессионализм!:) Всего доброго!

8 March 20:31
Translated from ru Show original
velomanochka2011 Belgium velomanochka2011

bullshit, redo it

хуйня переделывай

8 March 13:59
Translated from ru Show original
Grass for decoration