Open the rendering that you want to edit in photoshop and make a copy of the layer.
On the upper layer, select the bright areas that you want to apply the glow on, using the magnetic lasso or the polygonal lasso tool. (Alternatively you could render an alpha channel for that specific part of the object so that you don’t need to select anything afterwards).
After having selected all the needed parts, chose a large brush with white color and paint the selected area like in the image (1.jpg)

Now invert the selection by pressing ctr+shit+I (all at once) and paint the new selection black..Do it like this

Note: Before applying the diffuse glow filter, make sure you have set black as foreground color and white as background color
then apply a Gaussian blur filter (in this case with a radius of about 5)
Adjust the opacity of the layer you’ve been working on, until you are satisfied with the result.
If you want you can play with the color balance in order to obtain yellowish (or other colors) for the glow effects.
And in the end you'll get a result like this one: