Curtains and blinds perform a number of significant functions in the house, so it is important to understand how to choose curtains for the room.
With their help, people can protect themselves from prying looks of passers-by, which is particularly important for owners of apartments on the first floor. They protect from the blinding sunlight, and at times a kind of corny ugly outside. In the end, the curtains - this is an interesting detail, which gives additional possibilities in interior design.
"Naked" window
Is it always necessary room curtains? No.
Sometimes it is their absence becomes a design course. If the window offers a great view, but the location does not allow outsiders to look in the window in the evening, frightening hosts of the curtains can be dispensed with. The photos below show how the open windows create a unique charm of the room.
Alternatively, you can use a decorative sticker. Artificial landscape, of course, is not akin to the "living" with its changeability, dynamics. But someone may come to mind.
Shutters and blinds
Blinds familiar element for office interior, thanks to its practicality. They can be used at home. Classic design is well suited for the office, give the interior of rigor and simplicity required for a good concentration. And the different colors, printovye options replace curtains and other areas.

Shutters also interesting option. They protect from the hot sun and can become the perfect complement the overall design.

Color spectrum
How to choose curtains, if we are still stopped on them? The color and style should be in harmony with the interior of the room. If everything in the interior pastel - the same road and the curtain. If several intertwined flowers, curtains can be adjusted according to one of them. In some cases, a good idea will not look monochrome versions.
The color of the curtains as walls, can affect the perception of room size. To add a room height, it is recommended to use a curtain with vertical stripes, width - horizontal.

Important role played by the fabric from which the curtain. The most convenient are considered curtains viscose and polyester, as they are easy to clean and are not deformed.
Silk looks very elegant and rich, but, alas, tends to quickly fade in the sun. The same problem with cotton.

Velvet curtains bring a chic, they are decorated with decorative cords. They look luxurious and cumbersome. Because these options are not suitable for small rooms. They are also important to combine with an appropriate interior.
For "light", light rooms well suited tulle without curtains. The disadvantage of this design - the lack of protection from the sun.

Add "flavor" to help design curtains, yarn, they come in different types, so you can choose the option for different styles and colors of space.
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